‘There’ll Probably Be Some Changes’: Trump Hints at RNC Shake-Up When Asked About McDaniel

by Harold Hutchison


Former President Donald Trump suggested in an interview Sunday that “some changes” could be coming to the Republican National Committee when asked about Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel’s performance.

Federal Election Commission (FEC) filings showed the RNC had only $8 million cash in hand, its lowest figure since 2014. “Sunday Morning Futures” host Bartiromo asked Trump during the interview about the RNC’s apparent cash issues under McDaniel, who came under fire after Republicans underperformed expectations of a “red wave” in the 2022 midterm elections and had a disappointing 2023 election night, losing control of the Virginia General Assembly and failing to unseat Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear of Kentucky.


“So, I have a lot of money, and the money that they get, people are not looking at the RNC,” Trump responded. “They want changes. You have to understand, I have nothing to do with the RNC, I don’t — I’m separate.”

McDaniel fended off a challenge for the chairmanship of the RNC by lawyer Harmeet Dhillon in January 2023, winning 111 votes out of the 168 for the chairmanship despite the disappointing results in 2022.

McDaniel clashed with Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy in November after the entrepreneur calledfor her firing during a GOP debate that month.

“How is Ronna McDaniel doing?” Bartiromo asked.

“I think she did great when she ran Michigan for me,” Trump told Bartiromo. “I think she did okay initially at the RNC. I would say right now, there’ll probably be some changes made.”

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Harold Hutchison is a reporter at Daily Caller News Foundation.



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